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Gain traction in your projects with our “lean entrepreneurs”, project managers and project support. Product/service development, but also (IT) projects with innovative aspects.

UDV Lean Entrepreneur

A Lean Entrepreneur to guide and spark your innovation teams

Modern innovation using methods like Lean Startup prioritize the early validation of critical assumptions in a business idea. It lower risks and development projects without future are halted earlier. In an iterative way of continuous market validation products/services are developed in a very effective way.

UDV provides clients lean entrepreneurs to enhance their teams to keep everyone focused. A lean entrepreneur can act as an inspiring project manager or spark the team with his entrepreneurial approach and mindset. He is experienced to steer the validation of critical business assumptions in the first stages of an innovation project (or “corporate startup” called in modern language). He is especially strong in customer validation and getting the team out of their comfort zone when required. He likes to get his hands dirty!

Project Management and Support

Innovation projects and projects with innovative aspects

Most of the UDV core team has experience with managing large complex projects. We also started working with a flexible pool of project managers and project support in order to be more flexible in servicing our clients.

Competences include Prince2, IPMA, Agile and Scrum project management methods. Most have experience or affinity with innovation and the Lean Startup approach. All have a strong interest in innovation and technology.