The ugly duckling was born in a strange family. He didn’t fit in with his brothers and sisters. Therefore, they abandoned him. However, by having faith in himself, he grew into a beautiful swan.
Our vision
At Ugly Duck Ventures, we recognize numerous innovations languish due to very limited attention or total neglect and so stifling its potential development. Non-core innovations have value and can grow into a successful business if the appropriate attention and dedicated resources are provided. We want to take care of these “ugly ducklings” and with the proper attention to nurture them so they can grow into the beautiful swans they were meant to be.
Our approach
We approach your project as a dedicated entrepreneur in a reasonable and forthright manner. Our approach is timely, affordable and driven with our passion and sense of urgency. By considering the cost implications throughout each phase of the project, we guide or guard and when necessary we take control. We prudently introduce professionals, as necessary, to achieve further development and innovation with optimal growth. The deployment of Ugly Duck Ventures provides the crucial driving force for your success and the gate keeper all throughout the project.